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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Fruitoftheshed giving me 404
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lizby Guru Joined: 17/05/2016 Location: United StatesPosts: 3150 |
Ok, proof-of-concept for folder and file retrieval from github. Here's an ESP32-S2Mini plugged into a picomite--pins 1 and 2 on the picomite connected to 14 and 13 on the ESP, and 40 (5V) and 38 (0V) to 5V and 0V on the ESP. Power supplied to the Picomite by USB also powers the S2Mini. Of course, an S2Mini could be connected to picomite PCBs using other available pins, or to a CMM2 or an F4. This implementation is for github-based program files and folders, but similar retrieval is possible from other sources and, one hopes, from Docu-Wiki (although most of the FotS pages are not just program listings). There's little error checking in this, and presumably, if useful, some sort of folder display such as Jiri's NC program would be needed. This would only be specifically useful for 'Mites for which there was not a PC handy. Running the program below (TeraTerm screen): > files A:/ <DIR> . <DIR> .. 00:00 01-01-2000 4 bootcount 00:39 01-01-2000 516 g1.bas 14:34 17-01-2024 1553 g2.bas 00:06 01-01-2000 118 getdir.bas 2 directories, 4 files, 782336 bytes free > load "g2.bas" > RUN Trying GETDIR Trying GETDIR Trying GETFIL 'OPTION EXPLICIT ' all variables must be defined before use Trying GETFIL 10 PRINT TAB(32);"REVERSE" > files A:/ <DIR> . <DIR> .. 00:00 01-01-2000 4 bootcount 14:36 17-01-2024 28947 capico.bas 14:36 17-01-2024 175 CAPico.dir 00:39 01-01-2000 516 g1.bas 14:34 17-01-2024 1553 g2.bas 00:06 01-01-2000 118 getdir.bas 14:36 17-01-2024 1196 MMBLibrary.dir 14:36 17-01-2024 2085 REVERSE.BAS 2 directories, 8 files, 741376 bytes free The program downloads the items in the folder MMBLibrary, which contains 79 files and one folder, CAPico. MMBLibrary.dir contains lines with item name and type ("F" or "D"). The program next downloads the items in the subfolder CAPico. It then downloads a file from the CAPico folder, capico.bas, and then from the MMBLibrary folder, REVERSE.BAS. Here's what it looks like on the Annex side: Picomite code: Dim integer inbuf(5000) ' longstring buffer for return crlf$=Chr$(13)+Chr$(10) SetPin 2,1,com1 ' rx,tx Open "com1:115200,20000" As #1 sReqPath$="/lyzby/FOTS-demo/tree/main/MMBLibrary" sReqPathF$="/lyzby/FOTS-demo/main/MMBLibrary" sReqDir$="" sReqFile$="" For l=1 To 4 If l=1 Then: sRequest$="GETDIR "+sReqDir$+sReqPath$ ElseIf l=2 Then: sRequest$="GETDIR "+sReqDir$+sReqPath$+"/CAPico" ElseIf l=3 Then: sRequest$="GETFIL "+sReqFile$+sReqPathF$+"/CAPico/capico.bas" ElseIf l=4 Then: sRequest$="GETFIL "+sReqFile$+sReqPathF$+"/REVERSE.BAS" EndIf Print "Trying "+sRequest$ githubGet Pause 1000 Next l End Sub githubGet Print #1,sRequest$ Do : Loop While Loc(#1)=0 Pause 100 ' let characters arrive on COM1 LongString Clear inbuf() Do LongString append inbuf(),Input$(Min(255,Loc(#1)),#1) Pause 50 Loop While Loc(#1)>0 If Mid$(sRequest$,1,6)="GETFIL" Then i=LInStr(inbuf(),Chr$(10)) If i>0 And i<256 Then: a$=LGetStr$(inbuf(),1,i-1) Else : a$=LGetStr$(inbuf(),1,22) EndIf Print a$ EndIf ' LongString Print inbuf() i=Instr(sRequest$,"/") ' extract the file/dir name, after last "/" k=0 Do While i>0 k=i i=Instr(i+1,sRequest$,"/") Loop If k>0 Then sFile$=Mid$(sRequest$,k+1) ' extract folder or file name If Mid$(sRequest$,1,6)="GETDIR" Then sFile$=sFile$+".dir" Open sFile$ For output As #2 LongString Print #2,inbuf() Close #2 EndIf End Sub ' githubGet And the Annex code: ' getFilesJSON.bas dim itemName$(200) dim itemType$(200) crlf$=chr$(13)+chr$(10) qt$=chr$(34) source$="github" ' http dropbox onedrive blob url$="" url$="" getType$="folder" serial2.mode 115200,13,14 ' tx,rx onserial2 getRequest wlog "Waiting for input" 'gosub getRequest do loop getRequest: pause 200 ' plenty of time to receive entire request sRequest$=serial2.input$ i=instr(sRequest$,crlf$) if i>0 then sRequest$=mid$(sRequest$,1,i-1) endif wlog sRequest$ if mid$(sRequest$,1,6)="GETDIR" then url$=mid$(sRequest$,8) sFiles$="" nFiles=0 gosub getFilesJSON wlog "# files: "+str$(nFiles) if nFiles>0 then sFiles$="" for i=0 to nFiles-1 sFiles$=sFiles$+itemName$(i)+","+itemType$(i)+crlf$ ' wlog str$(i+1)+" "+itemName$(i)+","+itemType$(i) next i print2 sFiles$ endif elseif mid$(sRequest$,1,6)="GETFIL" then url$=mid$(sRequest$,8) ' wlog url$ a$=wget$(url$,80) i=instr(a$,"Not Found") if i>0 then a$=mid$(a$,1,i+9) wlog a$+" "+url$ else ' OK--strip off header ' i=instr(a$,crlf$+crlf$) i=instr(a$,chr$(10)+chr$(10)) if i>0 then a$=mid$(a$,i+2) i=instr(a$,chr$(10)) wlog mid$(a$,1,i-1) ' first line endif endif print2 a$ endif wlog "Waiting for input" return getFilesjson: a$=wget$(url$,80) ' wlog "Returned :"+a$ if source$="github" then j=instr(1,a$,"""tree"":{""items""") ' find start of array of files ' j=instr(1,a$,"{""items"";[") ' find start of array of files jEnd=instr(j,a$,"}]") ' find end of array of files if j>0 and jEnd > j then c$="{"+mid$(a$,j+8,jEnd-j-6)+"}" ' wlog c$ ' wlog str$(j)+" "+str$(jEnd) for i=1 to 999 ' fname$=json$(c$,"items[i].name") fname$=json$(c$,"["+str$(i)+"]") if fname$="not found" then exit for endif itemName$(nFiles)=fname$ ' fType$=json$(c$,"items[i].contentType") fType$=json$(c$,"items.contentType["+str$(i)+"]") if fType$="file" then itemType$(nFiles)="F" elseif fType$="not found" itemType$(nFiles)="?" else itemType$(nFiles)=ucase$(mid$(fType$,1,1)) endif nFiles=nFiles+1 if nFiles>199 then exit for endif next i endif ' if nFIles>1 then ' nFiles=nFiles-1 ' endif return PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed |
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