Notice. New forum software under development. It's going to miss a few functions and look a bit ugly for a while, but I'm working on it full time now as the old forum was too unstable. Couple days, all good. If you notice any issues, please contact me.
As the title says, hopefully this is something that might be useful that others might want to try out...
My idea is using a WebMite running a stand-alone control system, with a local VB6 program running to easily setup complex parameters and transfer the data to the WebMite.
The same setup could be done with a web page on the WM, but for various reasons, I found it easier to do complex math and data inputs on the VB program. I should also still be able to access 'normal' web pages via a web browser solely for monitoring.
So, what I've come up with is this (and I was surprised at how simple it was to do) The WebMite code -
' OPTION EXPLICIT OPTION DEFAULT NONE option autorun on option base 1
Dim string Var1, Var2, Var3
Do While MM.Info(IP ADDRESS) = "" If Timer > 5000 Then ? "WiFi Timeout - Reboot" Pause 500 CPU RESTART end if ? "Waiting for WiFi" Pause 1000 Loop ? "Connected. IP address is " + MM.Info$(ip address)
Var1 = "This is variable #1" Var2 = "Variable number 2" Var3 = "Another variable (Number #3)"
do loop
Sub WebInterrupt SortData end sub
Sub SortData Local integer a% Local Integer b(512) for a% = 1 to connections) LongString CLEAR b() WEB TCP READ a%, b() longstring print b() if (linstr(b(), "SitRep") > 0) then SendSitRep a% Else end if next a% end sub
sub SendSitRep a% web transmit page a%, "/SitRep.html" end sub
The VB code (Just use a standard form, add a winsock control, a command button and a text box) -
Option Explicit Dim SockData As String Const IpAddress As String = "Insert your IP Address here" Const Port As Integer = 80
Private Sub cmdSend_Click() If Winsock1.State = 7 Then Winsock1.SendData "SitRep" End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Winsock1.Connect IpAddress, Port End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_Connect() DoEvents End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Winsock1.GetData SockData, 1000 Text1.Text = SockData Winsock1.Close Winsock1.Connect IpAddress, Port End Sub
...and a webpage called 'SitRep.html' to the WM like this...
{Var1} {Var2} {Var3}
The returned result is this -
Easily sorted by VB6 if needed.
I'm aware that this is probably a completely wrong way to do this, but I found it quick and easy and seems to suit my needs (as a proof of concept, anyway)
Hopefully someone might find the idea worth trying out (Especially those like me that still like and use VB6 [ no thanks, it's a nightmare!])
(Forgot to mention, there is absolutely NO error traps or suchlike in any of this code) Edited 2023-10-25 15:16 by MalibuJohn
DavidAlanRoss Newbie
Joined: 18/09/2023 Location: United StatesPosts: 14
Posted: 12:48pm 25 Oct 2023
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Clever combo.
Long live VB6!
I had to embrace Xojo myself, being a Mac and all.