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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : help pls cannot get this ticker to flip

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Posted: 05:57am 30 Jun 2011
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55 CLS
90 SETPIN 11,3
100 SETPIN 1,1 PIN 1 'set as input
125 SETPIN 10,8 PIN 10 'set as output
130 REM
470 REM SETTICK 100,1000 'start timer in 100ms
490 ' Normal Program. do stuff
510 'On Time, 10ms
520 REM SETTICK 10,2000
540 PIN(10)=1
580 REM
700 'Off Time, 100ms
720 REM SETTICK 100,1000
740 PIN(10)=0
780 REM
820 temp = 0
826 ?
840 FOR I = 1 TO 500
860 temp1 =PIN(1)
880 temp = temp + temp1
900 NEXT I
910 LOCATE 5,0
920 ? ,, temp /(0.0185) / 500
925 ?
930 LOCATE 10,50
941 ?
942 REM LOCATE 10,0
960 LOCATE 1500,120
985 ?
990 ? " SQUARE WAVE"
1200 GOTO 820

the rem statements are so i can still run the freq counter and the voltmeter ...both are displayed in txt form on the screen ...
but the settick program wont run so i placed it as the first program to run then the volt meter then the freq counter problems in the ticcker it puts the output of a pin hig then low basically a square wave out but i cannot get it to run ....
any help answers would bee appreiaciated ...thank you ...regards ...
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Posted: 06:22am 30 Jun 2011
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Why have you got the 1500 in this line? 960 LOCATE 1500,120
Should this be 150?
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Posted: 07:09am 30 Jun 2011
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VGA output
X axis 0 to 480
Y axis 0 to 432

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Posted: 07:19am 30 Jun 2011
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Is it that you are trying to generate a square wave?

If so then maybe something like

4 pinstate = 1
5 setpin 10,8 'pin 10 as output
10 settick 10,1000
20 rem main program
30 rem doing stuff
900 goto 20
1000 rem square wave on pin 10 at set tick interval
1010 pinstate = not(pinstate)
1020 pin(10) = pinstate
1099 ireturn

I tried the above with pin 0, the power light, instead of pin 10 and with a interval of 100 it flashes away nicely.



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Posted: 09:51am 30 Jun 2011
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thank you i will try it tomorrow ..when my cro probe arrrives....i want to run a flip flop or a square wave signal typically making it adjustable in the off and off states and also adjustable freqency ...its to run my inverter ..at present i have a 555 timer driving a 4013 cmos giving a flip flop out put from the 4013 then driving a couple of tip 31`s and then driving a couple of 2n3055`s then driving 10 2n3055`s per winding its centre tapped so the positive comes through the 1000 va transformer and the 3055 switch the negative on and of if you understand how this works basically if i can get a square wave at a pre settable freq then i can feed it to an astable 55 timmer then adjust the mark space rsatio as well as the freqency...regards sparkey....
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Posted: 10:19am 30 Jun 2011
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oops, sorry, wrong spot.
Edited by VK6MRG 2011-07-01
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Posted: 10:46am 30 Jun 2011
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I think I got it :-)

Maybe you can set a pulse width with the following added to my first example.
3 pwm = 0
4 pinstate = 1
5 setpin 10,8 'pin 10 as output
10 settick 10,1000
15 settick 10,2000 'you can only have one settick at a time, this one overrides any other, it would be nice to have more. GG??
20 rem main program
30 rem doing stuff
900 goto 20

1000 rem square wave on pin 10 at set tick interval
1010 pinstate = not(pinstate)
1020 pin(10) = pinstate
1099 ireturn

2000 rem pwm on pin0, flash the power light (or other digital pin)
2010 pwm=pwm+1: if pwm=100 then pwm=1 'adjust pwm=100 and settick interval to set freq
2010 if pwm<=3 then pin(0)=1 else pin(0)=0 'adjust pwm<=3 to set pulse width this will give 3 on in 100
2020 ireturn



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Posted: 10:30am 01 Jul 2011
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thanks anthony i will try it over the week end ..have to do a lot of clearing out electronic stuff /hard whare ..first i only have a small bedroom its not easy when you dont have space to work but i will try it now i have my cro probe and some connectors and some cable order came in from altri\onics today ...nothing like new bits to play with i also have a "v2" expander board so \this will help...thanks brian...
technicians do it with least resistance
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